ADHD as a Superpower

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If you’ve just received an ADHD diagnosis, you may be a bit overwhelmed with what it all means. Can you be successful as a business owner with the extra challenges ADHD brings with it? Is ADHD responsible for every difficulty you have, every obstacle you come across? Is it holding you back?

In truth, ADHD does come with its challenges. But that doesn’t mean it comes with its advantages, too.  

At Impact Business Mentoring, we’re all about making the most of our unique strengths as neurodivergent business owners. We believe ADHD, when harnessed correctly, is a superpower that can empower you to skyrocket your business to new heights! 

Let’s take a look at the unique qualities the ADHD mind has that you can use as your springboard to success.

Focusing on What You Love

One of the greatest strengths of ADHD is hyperfocus. 

While it can be tough to channel that focus into something that doesn’t hold you or grab your attention, chances are that your business is something you love. Your hyperfocus was likely part of the reason you stepped into the business space you’re in to begin with, as well as the reason you made it this far. 

Channelling your ADHD hyperfocus into your business in a planned, managed way that doesn’t lead to burnout will allow you to move mountains. Mentoring can help you devise a strategy to do just that, so your business thrives — and you do, too. 

Creative Thinking

One of my favourite things about the ADHD mind is its out-of-the-box thinking style. 

So much of what we read and see is the same stuff repackaged. The ADHD brain, however, is wired to think differently than the norm. That ability sets you apart; it makes you able to come up with ideas that no one else has thought of before. It’s what makes you unique.

In a competitive landscape, that’s an incredible advantage to have. It sets your business apart in a way that can’t be duplicated. 

Not only that, but using your creative thinking to shape your business will help better align your processes and practices towards your own vision. Creative thinking is different for everyone, so allowing yourself to be different will pay dividends in the long run. 

Problem Solving

Along the same lines as creative thinking, unique problem-solving skills are another powerhouse ADHD skill. Part of seeing the world in a unique way is coming up with novel solutions to problems.

When you hit a bump in the road, your ADHD-powered brain is likely to come up with ways over, through, or around it that others wouldn’t think of. You’re also more likely to recognise opportunities that others miss, or invent processes and methods only you could have come up with. 

Your ability to turn your unique thinking style toward any and every situation will give you the kind of edge over your competition that every business owner dreams of!

The potential to leverage your unique ADHD thinking style is endless. I personally believe it is an incredible gift, and a definite advantage in a competitive landscape, even considering its drawbacks. 

I’d love to hear from you: How do you think having ADHD has impacted your business? Can you see a positive impact? Have you been able to channel your unique way of thinking into greater success? 

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